If emergency response workers can't find you, they can't help you.
An Emergency 911 Reflective Address Sign may save your life or that of a loved one!
Available in Green or Blue, Vertical or Horizontal
If you are elderly or have a physical limitation and are unable to install your own sign, someone from the Fire Department will be happy to come to your home and install the sign for you.
An Emergency “911” Reflective Address Sign may save your life or that of a loved one. There are many mailboxes and driveways that are not marked with the proper street number.
The Salem Fire Co. is selling Emergency “911” Reflective Address Signs that will have your street number on it. These signs make it easier for emergency responders to find your home or property at any time of the day or night. If emergency response workers can’t find you, they can’t help you! Minutes and seconds count in emergencies. They are 6” x 18” in size and come in green or blue.
These signs will mount to your existing mailbox either in a horizontal or vertical position. If you do not have a mailbox, it can be mounted to a post at the end of your driveway.
If you wish to purchase a sign, please click here to download a fillable form and send the completed form with a $15.00 check to the Fire Company.
If you have any questions, please call us at 860-859-0942.